Twitter is a powerful tool to help you understand your customers and also because it is mobile friendly. Since most of the customers are online nowadays, businesses need to maintain online reputation and Twitter Online Reputation Management (ORM) is a great tool to use. Almost every brand is talked about on social media. A good reputation can be severely damaged by a dissatisfied customer.

Therefore, you have a responsibility to listen and respond to the customer intelligently. Another powerful thing about Twitter is that every public tweet is searchable and you can communicate with anyone directly. The “advanced search” option allows you to do that. The time it takes to reach influencers is reduced, simplified and made more effective through Twitter, compared to conventional media.

TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) effectively integrates Twitter into every phase of running your events, to increase popularity. Many IT companies use Twitter for hiring. This tool helps you communicate, engage, and build relationships with people you might not otherwise have had access to.

Therefore, Twitter gives you the best opportunities to turn your customers into your friends. You will have to aim towards this and if you can reach this level on Twitter, then you can sell whatever you want!

So take advantage of the potential of Twitter and take advantage of it for your start-up.

Marketing through social media platforms has become the norm these days. One of the effective social media platforms that is used for marketing is Twitter. Organizations can use Twitter marketing in the following ways:

*Online reputation management: Twitter has the ability to solve various problems in real time in very interesting ways. Today it is really important for an organization to manage its online reputation, as any online content (positive or negative) affects the way people view your business. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are attracted to the use of Twitter as a platform for online reputation management.

*Event Promotions: Twitter is a powerful tool for gaining exposure, when it comes to hosting a physical conference or online event. Previously, groups planning a festival or other large event had few effective ways to get the word out. But now social media platforms, like Twitter in particular, have changed that.

*Communication: Twitter is a way to keep your followers updated with current information about the business. Importantly, it also allows followers to communicate with you. It also leads entrepreneurs to form a business network from different parts of the world, thus benefiting the business. Additionally, it encourages business owners to generate leads by tweeting about special offers or new products that will help followers learn more, which could lead to sales.

*Business Strategy: Many entrepreneurs use Twitter for B2B business generation and consider Twitter as a viable marketing tool. Entrepreneurs are also using Twitter as a platform to recruit more sales.

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