One of the quickest and easiest ways to get your book noticed is to be a guest on a radio show. People still listen to the radio at work, while driving their cars, or in the background at home. Most radio interviews are done over the phone, so you can sell books in your robe and slippers. In 1999, before the current health craze, we secured 100 radio shows for the author, Dr. Lindsey Berkson, and her book, healthy digestion. With just these radio shows to promote his book, sales exceeded 17,000 in a few months. Another client got a regular TV job because the producer heard about it in a radio interview. Another author’s architectural practice multiplied because new clients heard her speak on the radio. One of our quantum physics authors received an invitation to speak at a prestigious conference because he used a CD of his radio interviews to promote himself and his book.

Each of these authors did not waste air on the radio. They offered advice, told stories and captured the interest of the audience. It’s easy for most people to speak or teach in an interview, however, capturing someone’s attention long enough for them to buy your book takes skill and practice.

10 tips to be a successful guest on a radio show:

1. Make sure listeners know who you are. Give the host an introduction that is exactly how you want to be introduced. What is the most advantageous way to describe yourself and your book?

2. Never say “the answer is in my book.” Both the hosts and the audience hate that. Instead, you might respond with “we approach that problem through what we call problem-solving tools. Active listening is one of the techniques we use. Active listening involves…”

And then you can add “there are a number of other tools that we offer in the book.”

3. Practice answering a list of questions in the mirror with the family while driving your car. Practice until you are easily answering the questions in your media kit. Then have your family ask questions that are not on the list and be spontaneous with your responses. (Or you can hire a radio show coach to walk you through the ropes.)

4. Clearly state how people can buy your book and inspire them to action. During the interview talk about your website. What else will people learn by visiting your website? Make sure the host knows your website name so they can mention it too. Mention how your book would make a great gift for Aunt Susan, who likes wildlife books, or how Dad always wants to know more about cooking. Give them a reason to buy the book for someone other than themselves.

5. Make a personal connection with the host and the audience. Say the host’s name when answering a question. Show how you want to help the audience. Be attractive. The goal of each interview is to be invited back.

6. Listen to some of the host’s archived shows to learn how she handles her show, so you won’t be surprised and can give “good airtime.” One of the biggest mistakes authors make is approaching a radio show about new electronics with a suggestion for a show about keeping your marriage alive.

7. The host asks you what you think is a stupid question. What do you do for a living? You don’t say, “Well, that’s a stupid question!” You say: Many people have asked me that question and… then you connect to where YOU want to go. You say what YOU mean. It’s called bridging, and the people who do it best are politicians. Stay focused, don’t get defensive, be courteous, and then respond the way you want.

8. Hire a publicist to put you on radio shows or plan your approach. Do you want to investigate regional programs that support regional activities? Or do you want to research radio shows that connect with your topic nationally? Plan to come to these shows at least a month before the event. Ask the engineer for a copy of the interview, either as an MP3 to use on your website, or a CD to send to speaking engagements.

9. Cover up your mistakes if you can with a cough, or a vocalization like hmmm, or a “That’s an interesting question,” or a “You got me on that” laugh. Or you can repeat the question. The dead air scares everyone and the audience leaves.

10. Last but not least, have fun!

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