Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. ~Sarah Ban Breathnach

One story came from World War I about a clash between British and German troops on a freezing Christmas Eve in France. After months of war, among the bodies of fallen comrades, a single German voice began to sing a Christmas carol. Somewhat shaken, the British soldiers followed the carol singer’s lead with a song of their own. From one side to the other, the songs rose above the frozen fields. Finally, in separate languages ​​but with the universal language of melody, French, British and German voices joined in “Silent Night”. These sworn enemies then crossed no man’s land to share hugs and Christmas greetings. Both sides agreed not to fire shots on Christmas Day.

Who do you need to make peace with?

What mental or emotional battle needs to be put to rest?

How do you cling to peace in the midst of horrors like the Connecticut school shooting or the pressures of daily life?

Peace is the right and privilege of every Believer, given by God, demonstrated by Christ and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in you. When the angels appeared to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus, they did not declare wealth, privilege, or the end of the world’s troubles. they proclaimed’Peace on Earth’. And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:13-14). Jesus was God’s gift of peace to all mankind. He is the Prince of Peace.

Later Jesus explained, Peace I leave you, my peace I give you: I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27). That part, the ‘not leaving’, is our responsibility. Great peace is available to us, but we have to hold on to it, rejecting problems and fear. We cannot afford to think like the world.

I wish you would shut up completely! and it must be your wisdom (Job 13:5). We know when to keep our mouths shut! Wisdom tells us to remain at peace. The challenge is actually doing it, holding back those stinging, sarcastic, hurtful words that create hurt feelings or angry responses. Job was tired of his friends telling him what they thought and what he had done wrong. Why do we insist on having the last word or proclaiming our rights at the expense of peace and harmony? Why does selfishness rule so easily? Shut up, put your hand over your mouth… (Judges 18:19).

Jehovah will fight for you, and you will be silent (Ex 14,14). God said that He is the rewarder, the judge, and the restorer. There is no need to allow or hold on to resentments, anger, or jealousy. Hold on to your peace and let God work in the situation. Remember the verse in Romans that says to those who love God, all things work together for good, that is, to those who are called according to his purpose (v 8:28). Faith says, “I trust You, Lord, to figure this out.” Faith is the victory that overcomes the world and all its challenges (I John 5:4). Faith is the key to peace and every other blessing from God. If you trust Him, you won’t have to fight for yourself.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you, O LORD, only make me dwell in safety. (Ps. 4:8). How many nights have we stayed up, managing some situation or other that we can’t change anyway? One of life’s greatest lessons is to ‘let go and let God…’ These are the nights when our worrying thoughts run rampant. We feel too tired to fight, so we let them sound like a broken record in our mind. Round and round without change of litany and without end. Instead, listen to hymns, soothing music (or a Bible teaching) to divert your thoughts. You will either fall asleep quickly or absorb some positive input to help you strengthen your faith. After all, faith comes by hearing… (Romans 10:17)

Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it (Ps. 34:14). How many opportunities do we have every day to make someone feel better? How often do we ‘shut up’ when we should instead express that compliment or offer comfort and understanding? How many times are we so wrapped up in our own agendas and problems that we don’t acknowledge other people’s pain and problems? Speace. Find ways to be the blessing someone else needs. Not only can we seek peace by sharing our love and compassion, but we will discover gratitude for our own blessings.

The LORD will give strength to his people; Jehovah will bless his people with peace (Ps. 29:11). It is important to understand that every negative thought, emotion and action is the work of the ‘prince of this world’, the one to whom Adam gave authority in the Garden of Eden.

Satan is still lurking looking for someone to devour (I Peter 5:8)? The first thing to remember at times like these: God is not the author of destruction or confusion. Jesus told us clearly, The thief comes… to steal, kill and destroy: (John 10:10). It is as true today as it was in Jesus’ time. Herod killed all the male children under the age of two just to eliminate his supposed successor, who was spoken of as ‘the newborn king’.

Remember, however, that God sent Joseph and Mary to Egypt to keep them out of harm’s way. (He financed the trip with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.) After the incident at Sandy Hook, we have heard stories of courage and protection for many of those children and staff.

God is so full of light that no darkness can exist in His presence. When we allow ourselves to dwell on anger, greed, selfishness, or other destructive emotions, we have moved away from God’s strength, presence, and protection. We have passed from light to darkness. Regardless of the duration, a moment or a decade, those negative emotions and thoughts separate us from the peace and love of God. That price is not worth it.

John 10:10 ends with this statement from Jesus: I have come so that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (in fullness, until it overflows). (AMP) Later in the same book, Jesus confirms Peace I leave you; Me [own] peace I give you and bequeath to you now. I do not give to you as the world gives. Not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.] (AMP).

The key to peace is to control our own thoughts, words, and actions. Peace is, above all, a choice. Our emotions will eventually support those choices, but we must first make the decision to remain at peace. God has given us the right to choose. If our choices align with his Word, we will experience his peace, love, forgiveness, mercy, favor, and blessing in our lives. His peace is always available to us. We, however, have to step up and declare it by faith. In other words, Hold on and don’t let go!

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