COVID-19 changed our world: yours, mine, and everyone else’s. Life as we knew it no longer exists. Also, there is no going back. The past is irrevocably over; we are called to create a brave new paradigm of life.

To move forward, we need to let go of things outside of us that we can’t control and take charge of our inner reality, which is completely in our hands. We must also act maturely to support wise decisions. Let’s see how to get from here to there.

What do you need most now? What do you want to see in your world? How do you plan to participate to achieve it?

Despite months of confusion and turmoil, the whole of life remains full of possibilities and probabilities. Every challenging circumstance contains seeds of possibility for us to harness and create more optimal results from the inside out.

Everyone responds differently to change: some are awakening to their true soul identity, others are grieving their losses, and still others are huddled in denial at not knowing what to do. Some may even search for a way to go back in time because they don’t know how to cope with a world that has been irretrievably changed.

Trying to resurrect the past doesn’t help. We cannot go back to yesterday or to the life we ​​had ten years ago. Life happens in this present moment, and it is the choices made in each present moment that will create a sustainable future for all of us.

We all feel the enormous impact of the irreversible change that has swept across the world. None of us know exactly how our lives will be different at the end of this year. We just know it will be different in more ways than we can imagine. There are no guarantees or unbreakable guarantees, so everyone is learning to come up with ways to cope.

During this turmoil, emotions can feel overwhelming. Daily events can trigger shock, grievance, fear, or anxiety. After all, we are awash in a world of uncertainty and unknowns.

It’s easy to become defensive in the face of uncertainty because defensiveness is a natural human response. The normal thing is to look for survival tactics and protective measures to survive.

However, defensiveness keeps us trapped in resistance and prevents us from moving forward.

To avoid getting stuck, it’s important to remember who you really are: you’re not just an ego in a full body suit, you’re an eternal soul who embarked on this Earth journey to participate in the evolution of consciousness at this very moment of change and unprecedented awakening.

You are so much more than your physical being! You have more resources available to you on non-physical levels than you can imagine. Anytime you start to feel overwhelmed, stop and take inventory of your spiritual arsenal.

Human beings have been blessed with innate creativity and innovation. Even during this challenging period, we can create effective ways forward.

To do so, we need to let go of the lower levels of consciousness from where the quagmire of problems in our world was created. We need to expand our awareness of the multiple possibilities that coexist in the Field, because greater awareness and a broader reach are essential to creating optimal results now. Clearly, we need more than duality-based options that belong to an outdated Cartesian worldview.

This time of social distancing offered us opportunities to reflect and return to the right relationship with our inner Self. We have realized what no longer works, what no longer nourishes us and what we will no longer tolerate in life. We have also been able to recognize what we really want out of life, so that we can choose wisely.

This global time out helped us to reconnect with our inner being and what we really need. By reconnecting with our inner core, we can make empowered decisions for our path and the common good.

Humanity has outgrown the place where a few can dictate and make decisions for the collective. It is time for each of us to reach maturity and take full responsibility for our own decisions. From there, it will spread outward and create optimal collective results.

During this season of loss and uncertainty, don’t look back. Go further!

Beneath the superficial defensiveness of reactivity and guilt, lies the presence of Spirit. That Presence contains all possibilities and potentialities. By moving away from the ego chatter and focusing more deeply within, we access that Core where all possibilities exist. We can detach from the habitual ego reactions of fear and anxiety.

Instead, we can enter a centered space of peace and calm from where we can simply observe. We can hold this space until clarity arises. We can cultivate awareness of possibilities beyond our linear thinking to make optimal decisions.

We can use this perspective to recognize the limiting conditioning that is holding us back and let it go so that we can take a step towards our true potential. We can anchor ourselves in the Creator Presence within and align with all that is possible to create a brave new paradigm.

This season of change also calls for spiritual maturity. It challenges us to stop waiting for rescue and to take a step to choose the path to follow for ourselves. Spiritual maturity empowers us to step out of the old limiting roles assigned to us and become co-creators of a more empowering future.

Maturity gives us faith in unseen possibilities, so that we can hold the intention of what can be. It calls us to lift our point of view above the limitations of what was or is, to what can actually be displayed in response to our choices now.

Along the way, don’t let the obstacles and appearances on the surface of life undermine your faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Hold on to it.

We are asked to remove old conditioning, to heal the memories of what happened before, and to let go of what is no longer needed. By freeing ourselves from past hurts and limitations, we create more space for our path to unfold.

Don’t let others tell you what is appropriate for you. Break out of that habit and take a more empowering approach. Evaluate, contemplate within yourself and choose for yourself.

Do not resist the process of individual growth, because it is your evolutionary life line. Let go of resistance and allow possibilities of the Truth within to arise.

Trust in the benevolent plan of a loving Creator, and trust in yourself. Maturity requires that we trust in ourselves, in the invisible hands that guide and sustain us, and in the Divine plan that we cannot yet see but is unfolding even now.

As children, we needed continuous reassurance and simple solutions to feel safe. As mature adults, we learn to be at peace with not knowing. Maturity teaches us to embrace the ever-changing nature of life and to take full responsibility for our individual choices along the way.

Maturity also teaches us to remain in the vacuum of uncertainty and discomfort; resisting grabbing some easy version of permanence or settling for some substance to numb our conscience. The security we want is inside; it is not outside of us.

We must also avoid the trap of settling for the devil we know. If we wish to evolve, we must not allow the familiarity of known limitations to hold us back from the limitless possibilities we don’t yet see.

When we turn away from external conditions beyond our control to focus on our inner life over which we have ALL control, we will find our innate power, peace, and creativity restored. That is an important step toward creating a brave new paradigm in which everyone can thrive.

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