When most people think of pets, cats and dogs are likely the first to come to mind. But without a lifelong supply of antihistamines, they just aren’t an option for people with certain animal allergies. Fortunately, someone hoping to find a new hairless friend can’t look any further than their local pet store for an exciting new addition to the family. Here are five amazing allergy-friendly options.

Saltwater fish

This is a particularly exciting option for families with children, as they are fun to watch and easy to keep safe from little ones. Saltwater fish vary greatly in size, temperament, and space requirements, so it is important to check with your pet store for specific maintenance. A relatively easier option is the Ocellaris clownfish (think Nemo), which works well in pairs and requires little space. Do you want to increase in size? Consider a bigger tank and add a Pacific Blue Tang (Nemo’s friend Dory). Kids would love to display their real-life Finding Nemo aquarium right in their living room!


Although not entirely hairless, these adorable creatures are spineier than hairy. Human allergies to hedgehogs are possible, but they are very rare. Owners who have the time and desire to socialize with hedgehogs have the best experiences with them, as they tend to require a lot of love and attention to get comfortable, but they certainly reciprocate with cuddling and interaction.

Leopard geckos

Another one that is great for families, the leopard gecko is a docile breed that likes to be handled. While the most common are yellowish with brown or black spots, some also sport completely black, albino, orange, or even purple skin, which despite its appearance is actually quite smooth. Kids and adults alike love this hypoallergenic mainstay from the pet store.

Hermit crabs

Potentially one of the easiest pets on the market, hermit crabs are fascinating creatures that live up to 10 years. When properly cared for, they can grow up to six inches long. Sure, they move slowly and don’t say much, but these land crustaceans can be handled with care and given colorful “homes” to live in; They change shells as they molt and grow, so giving them pretty, pearly or even painted empty shells to move in also makes for fun for homeowners.

Exotic birds

If furry is not an option, why not give it a try? Exotic birds are some of the most beautiful pets, and while they all require research and practice, there are birds for all experience levels. Do you want a conversationalist? Take a look at the chatty parrot Eclectus. Do you prefer a calmer bird that has a striking color? Parakeets are great for beginners and even apartment living. Talking to an exotic bird specialist at a pet store can help potential owners find the breed that is best for them.

The most common allergies can prevent some people from having cats or dogs, but they don’t have to be without pets. Hairless options provide the satisfaction and entertainment of animal companionship without the suffering.

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