If you drive a vehicle your credit or debit card is at risk. What can you do and what are fuel pump operators and manufacturers doing to prevent and stop skimming? Skimming is where the bad guys will put a device in the gas pump that will intercept your card number. I’m going to get into where these skimmers are placed. Let’s start with what you can do to help prevent your card number from being stolen.

  1. The most important thing you can do is not use debit cards. Once your debit card number is stolen, the bad guys can empty your bank accounts. The banks say you’re protected, but until they investigate you don’t have any money in your bank account.
  2. Before you use a gas pump, look at it, do you see anything attached that looks like it doesn’t belong there?
  3. Are all access doors to the pump properly closed?
  4. Does the store manager have a clear line of sight to the pumps?
  5. Are there surveillance cameras pointing at the bombs?

If you feel uncomfortable at a gas station or find one of the above items, then go and find another station, they are on every corner.

Petrol pump operators are stepping up to try to prevent skimming by working with a specialist security company to create devices to stop the practice. The main point of attack is the card readers, this is where the skimming devices are placed. Below are some of the steps gas pump operators are taking:

  1. When replacing gas pump locks with stronger, more secure locks, some operators are opting for high-security cam locks and padlocks.
  2. Install a specially designed box that encloses the card reader to prevent access to it. This card reader safe is locked with a special lock that has patented lock and key protection.
  3. Installation of a special cover, secured with safety screws on the fuel pump control panel.
  4. Installing a special security box around the button, this device is the one that counts the gallons of gasoline dispensed.
  5. Card reader manufacturers are also increasing the security of the reader itself.

Many gas stations require you to enter the zip code that matches the credit card. When credit cards with an embedded chip become more widespread, many of the problems with credit and debit cards will lessen.

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