As defined by the dictionary, fasting is the act of voluntarily abstaining from some or all food, and in some cases drink, for a period of time.

History of fasting for spiritual advancement

Fasting has been practiced by humans and animals since recorded history began. It really was the only healing method primitive man had (aside from some herbs from nature). They fasted when they got hurt or sick. It was a natural instinct for self-preservation.

Fasting (spiritual and non-spiritual) has been around for a long time. Spiritual fasting has some importance in almost all religions. The Bible, alone, has 74 references to it. Spiritual fasting is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments, in the Mahabharata, in the Upanishads, and in the Qur’an.

Jesus fasted for 40 days and his disciples participated in many long fasts. All the great spiritual teachers in history participated in spiritual fasting. They all understood the power of fasting for spiritual advancement. Now, you are being exposed to it!

Benefits of spiritual fasting

The benefits of spiritual fasting are both physical and non-physical. Many of the effects cannot even be scientifically described and/or proven. Below I will list some of the main effects of spiritual fasting.

First of all, you are no longer controlled by food. Every time I do a fast I am amazed at how free I feel. You will notice that you have much more time. You are not a slave to your food. You regain your dominance over him. After the fast, you don’t eat as much as you used to. This is because you have more mental power to control food and your stomach shrinks a bit.

Fasting for spiritual advancement is also known to reduce mouth and body odor. Many people have reported that they no longer need to wear any type of deodorant after participating in a regular spiritual fast.

Spiritual fasting has many benefits for your body. It gives your body a physiological rest. During this time, your body can also get rid of toxins. Basically, fasting for spiritual advancement allows your body to relax and let go, which causes a very powerful internal cleansing.

Spiritual fasting can be a very enriching experience. If you are able to complete it, you feel a sense of accomplishment and freedom. I have found that spiritual fasting is a great way to get inspired. It is also known to cause a calming effect. And for some people it induces feelings of euphoria, it’s like a natural high.

In general, fasting for spiritual advancement cleanses the body-mind and nourishes the spirit.

“All the vitality and energy that I have comes to me because my body is purified by fasting.” -Gandhi

How to start fasting for spiritual advancement

The best way, in my experience, to start fasting for spiritual breakthrough is to start with a 24-hour fast. It is quite safe and very healthy. Although, depending on you, it may be best to start with a juice fast.

During the 24-hour fast, which I am telling you about, you can only consume water. During this time, no food should enter your system. Although, I recommend you take a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. During the fast it is very important that you drink a lot of water. Usually 8-10 glasses of pure distilled water is enough.

Finishing the spiritual fast is usually one of the most important parts. I personally end fasts with the food recommended in “The Miracle of Fasting” by Paul and Patricia Bragg. They say that after 24 hours to break the fast, the best thing to eat is a raw cabbage made up of chopped cabbage, grated carrot and beetroot with a fresh lemon juice as garnish. Whatever you do, eat something light, natural and organic. I do not recommend that you break your fast with any product of animal origin.

Most importantly, do your research and be sure to consult a doctor about your specific needs and results.

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