Do you remember when you were a kid and you used to have big dreams of what you wanted to be or have when you grew up? What happened to those big dreams as we get older? Why do they become less and less extravagant and huge?

I believe we have allowed society to steal our dreams through no conscious fault of our own. Children are not limited when they dream. They don’t say “I’ll try.” They make statements and believe what they say. But as they get older, we lower our expectations for them more than they do themselves. The pattern begins at that point because sometimes that child grows up with a reduced expectation of what he can be. We lower our expectations because we can’t meet them for whatever reason. It is not about blaming anyone or anything because we are all or should be responsible for what happens in our lives.

We must break with common thinking and dream big again. We are the only ones holding us back from achieving greatness and success. Our dreams help us create the burning desire within, to be and have more. If we don’t dream big and have wild expectations, then that desire doesn’t manifest and we end up in a rut. Dreams are the fuel of everything.

If others can be and achieve things beyond their wildest dreams, so can you. We are all created equal and have the same God-given power to achieve greatness. Here we could not reach mediocrity. We were put here to make a difference, and that difference starts with our ability to dream big.

Big dreams allow us to contribute to the law of increase. Nature is always producing more and we have our part to play. We contribute to the law of increase or success when we make the dreams of others more important than our own. Everything is a choice: You possess the ability to achieve success when you pursue your dreams. True success comes from pursuing your dreams, so dream big.

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