No, I don’t look back too much, my motto is “I never look back, it distracts me from now!” But I was thinking how much we get distracted BY the NOW.

Tweetdeck pop-ups, Google desktop Gmail notifications, Google and Skype connections login, news headlines… too much is NOW happening in our faces while we’re working on our computers!

One has gone just now. An email popup about tonight’s board meeting. My first impulse is to open that email and send my RSVP. Arrest! I tell myself. Finish this blog! I RSVP’d last week. This is not an urgent matter and can wait until I focus on email.

Good? One task at a time, and both parties will be better off!

We techies tend to see all these push notifications as a great convenience to keep us from leaving our current task to check email, tweets, notifications, etc. Who are we kidding? In reality, they make us lose focus and suck up our productive time.

I know,…DUH!?

I’ve always liked giving my full attention to any customer present, but once I’m alone, I’ve realized that these technological advantages are actually disadvantages.

How URGENT are most of these notifications anyway? The latest commercial for 4G phones reinforces our need to feel one step ahead at all times – “sooooo 27 seconds ago” – REALLY? Can 27 seconds be so important in our lives? Only if you’re launching a rocket, maybe.

That’s all! Turn off notification options!

People always ask me how I manage everything, especially since I manage multiple social media accounts…


Check emails regularly, but at designated times so you’re not just firing off a quick response in between other tasks. How often have you thought about some missing information? after Did you hit a hasty “send”? The complete approach will help prevent that.

Check social media (mine and my clients’) at appropriate intervals during a specified block of time so that if there is an answer, you will be there for it (without posting and running)

Make your Google Talk or IM “busy” when you are busy! Another DUH moment! If someone really needs an urgent response required, you can still IM them and you’ll see it; then you will decide if you need immediate care.

promise at 100% (okay, maybe 95%) focus on a single task.

Distractions are time suckers and rob you of your excellence! And the same goes for your mobile phone. Silent mode (do not vibrate) when on task.


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