Although we often refer to them as social networks, the reality is that it is often anything but social! How often do we see a couple sitting in a restaurant, both busy on their smartphone, instead of actually talking and communicating with each other? Many surveys also indicate that too many people gather most of their so-called news and information from these types of media. Recently, the major social apps established their policies regarding election advertising and posts. While, due to public pressure, they began to do some form of fact-checking/finding on daily posts, they announced that they would allow political ads, without these checks! Already, some of the posts, on the most widely used social media app, from the Trump campaign, were accepted, despite many TV stations/networks refusing to post them, proclaiming them grossly misleading, and too negative. / prejudiced! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 4 concerns that this behavior exposes/risks.

one. Shouldn’t there be rules? They have already accepted and allowed ads from the president’s re-election campaign, which are unproven at best and most likely outright distortions/lies. These included unproven claims about the Biden family, as well as major misstatements, about President Trump’s so-called accomplishments to date! We have spent the last, almost 3 years, worrying about the damage caused by the Russians, etc., during the 2016 elections, with their posts on social networks, however, instead of demanding better and more, the the bar has been lowered!

two. Politics benefits campaigns, who lie and make distorted statements, more!: Is there not enough lying and too little genuine integrity in politics? This policy gives an advantage to campaigns that rely mostly on lying, blaming and complaining, and taking little personal responsibility!

3. Makes the content untrustworthy or trustworthy: This short-sighted decision, probably made either for a political/personal agenda, reasons, or simply to make money, translates into making the reliability of the posts unreliable, etc. In the longer term, transform this format into a digital version of a tabloid newspaper!

Four. Repeating the same mistakes, and combining them: Haven’t they learned anything from the last presidential elections? This policy provides the message, while people can’t post certain misinformation, that’s fine, for paid political advertising, do it!

Wake up, America, because the concept of free elections and an informed electorate is at risk! It demands better and more responsible behavior and, in the meantime, finds more responsible ways to collect real facts. Remember, there are no such things as real and alternate facts! Either it is a fact, or it is not!

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