A great price you have to pay for being a leader, a public figure, or a minister is that people are always looking at you. They are looking at you and almost expecting you to fail. They want to prove to themselves whether or not they are right in what they think of you. They will observe your every move and every word. In short, they will constantly evaluate you in everything you do.

This can be quite frustrating and restrictive, which can make you feel like people are judging you all the time. However, it can also be rewarding to know that people look to you as a role model.

Here are some tips on how you can use your position as a leader, public figure, or minister more effectively, while maintaining a private life.

Keep your personal life private.

Don’t talk about your personal life in public or with anyone. You must maintain a close inner circle of family and friends, and your private life must be limited to them. No matter how frustrated you may be with your spouse, children, or other family members, never say a word in public.

Use your words carefully.

Leaders and public figures tend to talk a lot. This is why they have been chosen as leaders in the first place. Yet it is in all of these conversations that leaders are exposed. Wisdom and discretion are absolutely necessary when it comes to getting the words out of your mouth. Think twice before even saying something.

Take care of your heart.

Luke 6:45 says: Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. This means that observing their words starts with protecting their hearts. Proverbs 4:23 says: Guard your heart with all vigilance because life springs from it.

Keeping your heart constantly means always checking your condition by asking God to lay out what needs to be resolved. It involves a lifestyle of prayer, study of the Word, and reflection. By doing so, you will be able to better manage your emotions.

Wind out.

It’s not good to keep everything to yourself or you will explode one of these days. However, don’t vent your frustrations on people unless they are part of your inner circle. Better yet, vent to God. He can take anything and not judge you for it. But once you’ve got it off your chest, leave it there and never take it away.

Don’t be too transparent.

It is good to be real, but it is not good to expose everything about yourself. People would like to be able to relate to you, but they still want you to be better than them in many ways, which is why they admire your leadership. You don’t have to tell people what you’re going through when you’re going through it. You can tell them that you have just conquered a great battle after you have fought your war. As I always say, “When I come out of the fire, I want to be like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego … the fire had no power over their bodies, nor did the hair on their heads scorch, nor did their clothing burn. color or condition, not even the smell of smoke attached to them. “

So here goes my advice. Follow these and you will maximize the position that God has entrusted to you.

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