Have you been looking for some easy home renovation tips? If so, you are reading the correct article. This article offers a series of quick fixes you can do around your home. keep reading

squeaky door hinges
You can fix problematic door hinges by spraying on some WD-40. Alternatively, you can rub some Vaseline on the hinges. If these methods don’t work, you can raise the hinge pings halfway, then lubricate them with a small amount of oil. This will fix the problem in a few seconds.

creaky floor
If you want to fix the floor temporarily, you can sprinkle some talcum powder on the area that is making noise, and then sweep it into the cracks in the floor. Dusting off traces of dust is a good idea if you plan to refinish your floor in the future.

peeling wallpaper
You can use a sharp knife to smear some wallpaper paste on some writing paper. You can then rub the paper under the section you want to peel off. Now, you need to push the wallpaper on the wall by sliding the paper and smoothing out any bubbles with a cloth.

worn whippings
Over time, you may experience a bit of sagging, which is natural. If you want to fix the problem, all you have to do is wet the bottom of the rod with warm water. Then you need to let it dry overnight.

dusty chandelier
Let the accessory cool down. Put on a pair of gloves. You should moisten a glove with glass cleaner. Next, you must clean each of the prisms with the wet glove and then with the dry glove.

stained tub
Create a paste with equal amounts of baking soda and cream of tartar. Now, you have to drop a few drops of lemon juice on the paste and then mix everything together. You can then use a soft cloth to rub the paste over the stains. After an hour or so, you should rinse with water.

stuck sliding windows
If you have some sliding windows that are stuck, you can use some silicone spray lubricant to grease the skids. All you have to do is spray the lube on a rag and then use the rag to clean the tracks. That is.

Difficult to remove decals
Again, you can use WD-40 on the decals and the areas around them. You must raise the edges to access the bottom of the decals. Once you’re done, you need to dispose of each of the stickers with a credit card.

If you want to soften slamming doors, you can use some peel and stick weather stripping on the door stop. Alternatively, you can use a rubber band around the doorknobs on both sides. Leave the latch uncovered.

So here are some tips to help you renovate your home and deal with common problems. Hopefully these tips will work for you too.

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