It’s time to release what you’ve locked away in Pandora’s Box. It’s not useful! Stuck feelings create sickness and disease!

In our lives, we may experience emotions that are too painful to bear, so our first reaction is to simply bottle them up thinking that you will deal with it later. Choosing not to feel your emotions and putting your feelings in the proverbial Pandora’s box will surely allow them to get stuck there and then burrow deep into your physical body. Like the energy within the body, emotions are meant to be fluid and free-flowing, so as not to create illness or disease in your physical form.

There really are no good or bad emotions. There are only emotions. And they are there to teach you something that will help you grow in your life. We are meant to feel them and then release them. Dealing with your emotions is sure to alter the way you experience the world in a very positive way.

Remember that you are totally in charge of your physical illness along with your well-being. Begin to deal with each of those emotions that you have locked up deep inside of you. There are many ways to deal with past emotions and we all release them differently. Some of the ways I have found most helpful to release these stuck emotions would be meditation, journaling, and Reiki. If you need help with any of these to begin to release and heal, I am available to help.

Open Pandora’s box today! Release those emotions and take control of your body, your mind, your health and your whole life once again. You’re worth it!

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