You’ve put in the time to create this wonderful Facebook page, you’ve got some pretty decent content, and people have liked you. Then what?


No one is interacting with your Page and you wonder if anyone is seeing what you’re posting. And the answer is probably no.

Facebook has a formula called Edgerank to calculate how much of what you post is seen by people who like you.


I was when I first heard it. I figured everyone got everything I posted, but that’s not the case. Edgerank is determined by 3 factors, affinity, weight, and drop time. Affinity is how connected the person who liked your Page is. Have they liked any of your posts, commented, tagged or shared a post before? Weight is determined by the type of post you make. Only text, questions, video or photo. Time Decay is just what it sounds like. How long has that post been there.

So how do you check your Edgerank? There is a free tool at Edge Rank Checker where you can get a basic rank on your page. Any score above 20 is considered excellent. It works best when you have at least 100 likes on your page. Below that, the score won’t be as accurate.

It doesn’t matter if your score is 0 or 100, everyone needs to increase their Edgerank. In fact, it’s vital to your business that you do. Interaction is the key. Social media is about relationships, and out of those interactions you have, businesses grow. So without relationship, there is no business.

So what are some ways to increase your engagement and your Edgerank?

  1. Post once or twice a day and make your post interesting. Something your fans will benefit from.
  2. If someone leaves you a comment, reply. Remember that it is about relationship, relationship, relationship.
  3. 90% of your posts should include a photo. Photos are automatically seen by more people.
  4. Change your cover image regularly. Be creative. Make it awesome, but remember to follow the Facebook rules which include web addresses, no “likes”, calls to action like “get it now” or “tell your friends”, no prices or purchase information.
  5. Ask questions. Have a call to action. Then ask them to respond to what you have posted.
  6. Run contests.
  7. Say hi to the fans, let them know you appreciate them.

there you go 7 ways to make your Facebook page come alive and interactive. The most important thing now is to do them and do them consistently.

for your success,

Kim Thompson-Pinder

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