If 5Linx were a scam, do you think it would be on the Inc 500 list for four years in a row? (2006-2009) I don’t think if 5Linx were a scam, Success from Home magazine or Your Business magazine would devote their entire issue to the 5Linx opportunity.

Is it a legitimate argument to say that 5Linx is a pyramid because the people at the top make the most money? What about corporate America…the CEO and VPs don’t make more money than middle managers and entry level employees? If you can show me a business where the people at the top are paid less than the people at the bottom, then I’ll eat every word. If the same organizational structure is used in all businesses, why is 5Linx being labeled a scam?

Who would make such a claim? I’ll tell you who… someone who claims to be a victim; someone who never started 5Linx or is trying to justify why he quit. People fail to try anything, not just network marketing.

Not all make it to the NBA. All fashion designers can’t get out of their shop. There are some real estate agents who never manage to sell a property. Most people who want to get fit fail. So you wanted the truth? Yes, people fail on 5Linx, but the same is true when people try many other things in life.

What you have to ask yourself is ‘what did they do to fail?’ Did they receive the proper training? Were they using the best approaches? Did they use a different technique when they weren’t getting results from the ones they were using? Did they turn down prospects because they were too pushy or pushy? Were you perceived as a leader or a needy and desperate person? These are things to keep in mind when making a decision to join based on someone’s advice.

Network marketing is a performance-based industry. So if you do nothing, you won’t make money. If you do a little, you will earn a little. If you do a lot, you will earn a lot. Those who say that 5Linx is a scam, simply put, are the ones who give up. These people are super critical and looking to find fault with anywhere, because they feel inadequate because they couldn’t make it work. They quit before they made any real money, so it will always be a mystery to them how to become financially free. The worst enemy of the person who tried and failed is someone who has succeeded. They are resentful and don’t want you to succeed where they failed.

They may claim that they are trying to protect you by giving you this information, but what they are really trying to do is protect yourself from a sense of failure by preventing you from trying and succeeding.

Another type of person who says that 5Linx is a scam is the person who has never done network marketing. The point of view of someone who has not experienced it personally is just giving you their opinion from the outside looking in. Therefore, they can write or talk about it, but they cannot achieve it. In my book, that’s not good advice, because it’s just a rumor from someone who has never done it.

The last type of person who writes and talks about 5Linx is the person who has been successful. They are a valuable asset to you and their advice should be listened to. There is a big difference between someone who has been successful in a subject and someone who has been educated in a subject. The person who has been successful knows what is important and what is not. They can also answer any questions that the person who hasn’t or failed can’t answer.

Don’t be one of the many people who lose millions of dollars, because that’s what you’ll ultimately lose if you don’t join the community of people who know there’s a better way. You won’t save a couple hundred or thousands of dollars; you will simply miss out on being financially free.

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