Potty training the dog is one of the first things you will need to do after bringing home your new pet. It is absolutely crucial that he learns to constantly relieve himself outside and not soil your carpets, furniture, etc. As with all forms of dog training, it is based on techniques of repetition, patience, and positive reinforcement. You cannot use any form of punishment as it will only make the dog more confused and stressed.

Dog Potty Training Tip 1 – Be sure to take your dog outside after every meal you serve him. Puppies will not be able to keep urine or feces down until they are 12 weeks old and it is your responsibility to monitor their behavior for signs of “elimination time” such as pacing or sniffing. Older dogs can resist going to the bathroom for a few hours, so scheduling regular outings to the garden is crucial.

Dog Potty Training Tip 2 – Prepare a special rest area just for your puppy where you will place all their toys, food, drink and a mattress to sleep on. Dogs are naturally ‘den’ animals and will instinctively seek out a place that can fill this role. You can use boxes or baby gates to isolate a part of a room. Make sure you play a lot with your dog in his new home so he feels comfortable while he’s there. Because dogs are naturally clean animals, he will avoid making a mess in his sleeping area and will be forced to control his impulses.

Dog Potty Training Tip 3 – Prepare a special place in your garden or patio where your dog can eliminate. Take him there regularly and every time he does his job praise him by saying ‘good dog’. Be sure to clean this spot from time to time, as dogs will not relieve themselves in a dirty, smelly area and will seek alternative locations (for example, your house).

Dog Potty Training Tip 4 – Tell your family to use the same command while taking the dog outside. You can use ‘out’ when you notice your pup will soon be potty on him and ‘poop’ or ‘go potty’ when he’s relieving himself. This will reinforce the good habit and teach him to associate certain words with certain actions. Remember that perseverance and patience are the key to success. Eventually, your dog should react to “outside” by perking up and ready to leave the house as soon as he opens the door.

Dog Potty Training Tip 5 – Use a leash when trying to teach your dog to stay in a particular place, for example, the bathroom area. Make sure he is attached to a standard leather collar and won’t do any harm to your pup. By using a leash, you can determine very precisely how big your dog’s exit area is and where in your yard he can relieve himself. Simply attach the leash to a tree or heavy piece of furniture and make sure it cannot slip off.

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