Becoming a mother can be one of the most fulfilling experiences for women. What is not expected are the bodily changes that can occur after pregnancy, which can be permanent. Despite exercise, diets, sit-ups, and basic exercises, many women are unable to regain the flat stomach they had before pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the muscles of the abdominal wall stretch with the growth of the baby. Weight gain is necessary for a healthy baby. The skin together with the muscles are stretched. If the baby’s growth occurs faster than the skin stretches, stretch marks occur on the skin. Stretch marks are due to damage to the deeper structures of the skin. This is the reason why many lotions and potions that are sold do not remove stretch marks. Currently, there are some treatments that can improve (decrease the appearance) of stretch marks by stimulating collagen production. Some examples are Fraxel laser treatments and non-surgical skin tightening treatments like Refirme and Thermage. When losing weight after pregnancy, the skin is often loose and hanging.

Muscles are also stretched during pregnancy. After pregnancy, the tissue between the muscles cannot return to its previous state due to the amount of stretching that has occurred. The medical term is called diastasis. The tissue between the muscles (rectus abdominis) has been permanently stretched. This occurs more in some women than others.

For many women, liposuction will not give them the flat look they want. The muscles are stretched and there is loose hanging skin. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty would be the best option in this case. In this procedure, muscles are tightened and loose skin is removed. The incision is horizontal and can be easily covered with undergarments.

If there is excess fat mainly in the lower abdomen, liposuction may provide some improvement. Liposuction will not treat loose skin. Types of liposuction that involve heat, such as Vaser liposuction or various types of laser liposuction, can help the skin shrink better than standard liposuction.

It is important to tell your plastic surgeon what your desired goals are to avoid disappointment after treatment. Unrealistic expectations can cause disappointment after any procedure.

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