My top ten tips for running your own psychic development circle – and a couple of rules!

1. Don’t wait for many members, start a circle even if there are only 2 or 3 of you.

2. Commit to meeting regularly. This is essential.

3. Establish ground rules and make sure everyone agrees with them.

4. Decide on a trial period to see how they do. Working with people on a psychic level is quite different than if you would go out for a drink and chat with them.

5. Create a structure for your meeting to be a work event and not a social one.

6. Know your basics: how to put energy protection in place, open and close / ground your energies. All of these are essentials that you need to do before working on other things. These could be the topics for your first few meetings to make sure everyone is familiar with them.

7. Between you decide on 6 things that you would like to test, understand or develop. You may find that these are things that one of you knows, so you can take turns leading the sessions. Some examples are healing, crystals, card reading. Avoid advanced subjects at first. My recommendation would be to avoid attempting trance, automatic writing, astral or etheric projection (out-of-body experiences), and anything remotely resembling a ouija board to begin with.

8. If one of you does not want to participate in a particular type of work, perhaps a past life regression, respect their choice and do not insist that they do so. Find something else, there are many themes to choose from.

9. Confidentiality – Make sure you feel comfortable that everyone agrees not to discuss any personal issues that may arise outside of the group.

10. If you are unwell or have a mental health condition, be sure to seek the proper medical advice. Don’t start your own group, work to improve yourself first. If you really want to investigate this avenue of work and development, find an experienced medium who already leads a group, or go to your local spiritualist church for more advice.

And a couple of rules when it comes to psychic development work

Rule No. 1 – Alcohol (or other mind-altering substances) is not allowed.

Rule No. 2 – Stay Positive – Have fun and have fun.

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