When beginning a series of qi gong exercises, or at points between other exercises, it is common practice to use the following position, called Wu Ji. This position allows the practitioner to refocus their energy and feel balanced again before moving on to the next exercise. As an initial exercise, it allows the practitioner to become aware of his body and get in touch with how he feels. Consciousness moves away from the environment and the body, from the external to the internal, so that the student acquires a new sense of himself and his body.

But the position is more than physical in the practice of qi gong. It is also quite spiritual in nature. It is believed to be a way of connecting the physical with the mental and spiritual. It is believed to be a way of reaching the point of access to the “primordial” state, to the nothing from which we came and to which we will eventually return. It is, in a way, a kind of physical meditation. While performing this pose, the practitioner should empty his mind of any thoughts, worries, or concerns and instead focus on the sensations he is experiencing in his body. Don’t worry if he finds that his thoughts are straying from his body and what he is feeling. This is a natural occurrence and the way we normally function in life. But you are retraining your mind to focus its attention on the body, and doing so requires discipline. It will improve your ability to stay focused while you practice, just like any other skill you learn.

Start by standing with your feet touching, but if this isn’t possible, it’s still okay to stand with your feet about a foot apart. Feet should be firmly planted and held flat on the floor with toes pointing directly forward. The legs should be strong and firm, but the knees should be slightly bent to avoid inhibition of circulation. Your arms should be relaxed and hang gently at your sides. Both wrists and hands should also hang loosely at your sides. The palms of the hands should be turned so that they face the upper part of the thighs.

Balance and center your weight and relax your entire body from head to toe. Focus your attention on each major muscle group and watch it relax, moving downward until the body feels solid and heavy with relaxation. Now relax your facial muscles, but keep your head up. The flat part of the top of your head should be parallel to the ground and you should keep your eyes focused forward. Allow your mouth to relax with your lips slightly parted. Breathe deeply and evenly, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. If you’re a yoga student, you’ll probably recognize this pose as similar to Mountain Pose, or Tadasana. If it helps to imagine yourself as a mountain, then go for it. You want to feel strong, quiet, and generally relaxed.

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