Zombie paintball hayrides are popping up everywhere during Halloween as the new rage in haunted house rides. These games are safe for all ages and are a super fun way to learn how to shoot a paintball gun. This style of zombie paintball is straightforward; everyone hops on a hay wagon with a loaded paintball gun. As the bikers ride around a loop, they shoot at people dressed as the undead. In most games intended for the general public, the zombies are not armed so that they do not return fire. The poor zombies in this game are basically scary hunks of meat that you can blow up with paintballs. As a worker in the trenches, the job of being one of the zombies leaves a lot to be desired. However, if done right with a lot of effort in props, details, story and the right equipment, the zombie carriage ride can be a terrifying and exciting experience that you will never forget.

Fortunately, you don’t have to wait until Halloween to play zombie paintball. There are several other variations of the game that are even more fun. These games can be played at any time of the year on the field behind your house. If you’re a paintball enthusiast and play the game often, try some of these zombie game variations for a different spin on the same old game. You can also play zombie paintball as a Halloween theme or birthday party that your guests will never forget. When playing recreationally, you won’t need a lot of additional paintball supplies like a professional field or business would. However, the more elaborate the costumes and props, the more fun and memorable your game will be if your budget allows. When you don’t have to cater to the general public, you won’t need a giant hay wagon to transport players. You can also have the option to arm the zombies with paintball guns so that they can fire back in a much more interesting and exciting game.

To play zombie paintball, you will need at least 8-10 people, however, the more the better. Games with more people equals more zombies and a lot more fun. Divide into two teams with specific numbers for the variation of the game you decide on. A game has two teams, zombies vs. humans, each armed with paintball guns. Obviously, each team tries to take out the other, but the twist is this… zombies can only be killed with headshots, they can be hit in the body repeatedly without being taken out. If a zombie shoots a human, the human is incapacitated for a period of time (5 minutes) and can then continue playing as a zombie trying to take out the humans. No matter how good the human team is, eventually the zombie team overwhelms the humans almost every time. This is because headshots are very difficult in paintball if you don’t know what you’re doing or don’t have an accurate enough marker. With this in mind, split up your teams at the beginning with slightly fewer players as zombies and more players on the human team.

Another fun variation on zombie paintball is best played with a larger group. This game divides players into three teams; two human teams and a group of zombies. The two human teams are divided into one with weapons and one without. The job of the armed human team is to protect the unarmed team as they travel through a zombie-infested wasteland. The job of the zombies is to eliminate the protectors so that they can eat the unarmed humans. It is best if the armed human team outnumbers the unarmed players whenever possible (for example, out of 8 players, 3 are unarmed, 5 have weapons and are protecting all 3). This game is super fun and requires strategy from both sides if they want to win. A good rule of thumb to follow is that the zombies must shoot the armed humans to take them out, but they are not allowed to shoot the unarmed group, they must have physical contact with them to take them out. While this can be a back tap or full tackle, it adds a whole new level of excitement to an already fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping game.

Other than the usual individual gear, you won’t need a lot of extra supplies to play zombie paintball. However, zombies will require some details. No matter how you decide to play, the zombies will be hit with the most paintballs, so your protective gear should be a priority. If you’re hosting a paintball hayride, your zombies should be wearing head-to-toe protective gear. This includes shin guards, knee/elbow pads, protective vest and/or armor shirt, arm/forearm pads, gloves, neck protector, and goggles. For zombies, it’s best to wear paintball goggles instead of full face masks so the goggles won’t interfere with your face paint if you wear them. If you decide to wear scary masks, glasses are the best option to put over the mask. Choose zombie skins knowing that you will also add goggles. For example, choose a very baggy goggle so paintball goggles can be worn underneath, or a very tight goggle (or face paint) for outdoor goggles. Cheap vinyl paintball coveralls are also available and are great for covering up zombies for a unified look and offer a bit more protection as well.

Before playing, decide on other fun game details that determine the skill level of the players. For example, do you want fast or slow zombies? Slow, heavily moving zombies are easy targets, best for beginning players, but very difficult for zombie players. Fast zombies is much more fun and scary but makes the game more suitable for the adventurous type. One of the most important decisions is what you want your zombies to wear in order to distinguish them from human players. Will they wear scary Halloween masks, face paint, or simple colored bands around their arms? Obviously, the bracelet option is the cheapest and easiest route, but spending time, effort, and money on the details will create a game that will never be forgotten. Vinyl coveralls come in bright hunter orange or camo. Orange makes your zombies stand out and easy to see, while camo helps them hide for much more challenging gameplay. Lastly, glow in the dark paintballs are available to make playing at dusk or at night a lot of fun and to fit in with the theme.

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