Have you been wondering how to paint cabinet hinges? The answer is very, very carefully! It’s probably not a helpful answer though. There are a couple of different options available for painting your cabinet hinges. There’s a simple way to do it with just a little prep work.

Let’s look at the “easy” way. With this method, you won’t have to take the cabinet doors off their hinges. It will only take a couple of simple supplies

painter’s tape
a hobby knife
A fine-tipped model brush
wet rag
old newspapers

Preparation is the biggest time consumer here. First of all, you need to mask the area around the cabinet hinge. Start at the outer edge of your workspace and add layers as you work closer and closer to the hinge.

As the tape gets closer to the hinge, use the utility knife to cut the tape so it fits exactly around the hinge. It is vital that there are no exposed cabinets. You can use the point of the razor to press all of the tape into place.

Place the old newspapers on the counter below where you are painting. Use it as your workspace for the paint can, as well as to catch any drips that might otherwise splash onto your countertop.

Next, clean the hinge with a mild soap and water solution and allow it to dry. You don’t want to paint over accumulated dust or goop.

Now comes the fun part, the painting. Use the fine-tipped brush to evenly cover the entire hinge. Use only enough paint to cover. You don’t want to end up with drips that could run down the cabinet or get stuck in the hinge.

Step away from the cabinet for a few hours to allow the paint to dry.

Once dry, operate the door to be sure to break any paint solder that has built up on the hinges.

With the door fully open, now repaint the entire hinge. What you are looking for when adding a second coat is to catch any spots that the brush was unable to reach when the cabinet door was closed.

Once again, stand away for a few hours to allow it to dry.
After your well-deserved rest, check to close and open the door a few times to make sure the hinge doesn’t get stuck. If it works well and looks good with no bubbles or drips, congratulations, you’re done!

All that’s left to do is clean up. Be sure to remove the painter’s tape as soon as possible after painting. You don’t want to risk leaving any residue behind that you have to scrub away.

That’s all it takes to paint a hinge fast. Now that you know how to paint cabinet hinges the easy way, you won’t have to worry about the major pain of taking cabinet doors off and removing all the hardware. All it takes is a little planning and prep work and you’ll get great results.

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