Why is it so difficult to remove cat urine odor even after you’ve cleaned the stain with a good cat urine cleaner?

Pet urine, cat or not, is made up of three main components:

1. Urea: sticky stuff

2. Urochrome – Pigments that give it color

3. Uric Acid: The Stinky Part

It’s generally admitted that almost any decent cleaner would probably do to get rid of the first two if that was all it was about. No specialized cat urine cleaner or remover would be needed for that part of the task.

However, it is the last element, uric acid, that explains that nagging reminder of “Oh! You have a cat!” when no feline is visible. It’s also the reason why regular household cleaners don’t work to clean cat urine effectively. What happens is that the uric acid part is made up of crystals and salts, which once dry give off relatively little odour. However, once the crystals and salts get wet again, with rain or humidity for example, the pet smell returns. Even steam cleaning a carpet in the hopes of removing the smell forever only moistens everything and brings the smell back to life.

This is the point where you’ll need a specifically designed cat urine remover, such as Simple Solution Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover, which is available at pet supply stores like Petco and PetSmart. The most effective products are based on bacteria and enzymes to devour the last traces of uric acid and thus eliminate the unpleasant odor from your home. Many home remedies will recommend the use of vinegar to remove the odor. I’ve never tried this, but those who have tended to give the process mixed reviews.

A word of warning here. No matter what someone tries to tell you about cleaning cat urine from carpets or furniture, DO NOT ever try to use a product containing ammonia as a cat urine cleaner. Cat urine contains ammonia, and by using that product, you’ve just provided a marker for your cat to tell you where to relieve itself next time.

Sometimes finding the offensive spot can be difficult. One trick is to search with a black light. Remember, you probably won’t be looking for a large puddle, especially on the carpet. The urine will have come out in a stream, so the actual stain visible in the black light may not be much larger than a pencil eraser. The problem, however, will be that once on the carpet, the cat’s urine will show up on the backing, the pad, and possibly even the floor. To effectively eliminate cat urine odor and prevent your cat from revisiting that spot, it may be necessary to lift the rug and clean the pad and floor, as well as the rug itself.

By the way, one of the best things you can do to help reduce the odors associated with the litter box while lowering the chance of “accidents” is to keep the cat’s litter box clean. Cats can be finicky, and a dirty litter box can encourage your cute Persian kitty to find another place to grace. Keep the access clear and make sure your cat can access it in a pinch, even if company is present.

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