In order for you to teach your dog even the most basic commands, it is essential that your dog respect you as the Alpha leader of his pack. All canines are pack animals. Being part of a pack is essential in many ways for dogs. Not only does it provide them with companionship and security, but it also allows them to work as a team when it’s time to hunt.

And like any other team, to be effective, there must be a definitive leader. All dogs instinctively know this. There is always an alpha male and alpha female in each pack. This is why it is absolutely imperative that you establish yourself as the dominant leader with your dog.

When establishing the rules of coexistence with you, it is important to be consistent, so as not to confuse the dog and set well-defined limits. For example, if you want to keep your furniture clean, your dog should always be taught that the furniture is out of reach.

Your dog, like a child, will constantly test your authority. Again, be consistent with his rules and always punish unacceptable behavior. When you command your dog, it matters for authority in both your posture and the tone of your voice.

When it comes to food, dogs have a specific dietary need that is different than ours. It is important that your pet eat only high-quality dog ​​foods that are designed to meet his dietary needs. Feeding your dog treats from the table will only lead to health problems as he gets older.

Since dogs instinctively thrive on routine, it’s important to establish routines throughout the day that they’ll pick up fairly easily. This not only makes it easier to set feeding and exercise times on your schedule, but it also gives the dog a sense of security.

Routines can be as simple as eating at certain times during the day or going for a walk at certain times, either before or after work. Your dog will quickly seek out these activities and be a willing participant in your schedule.

When it comes to going for a walk, it is very unnatural for a dog to be led on a leash and collar. If you’ve ever watched a dog alone, you’ll notice that they wander all over the place, in circles, back and forth, sniffing, sniffing, distracted by one thing or another. It is important that you train your dog to walk at your pace and follow your commands.

If your dog is a puppy, one of the most useful training accessories you can have is a crate. Crate training works incredibly well because, once again, it is based on utilizing the natural instincts of dogs.

In the wild, dogs or wolves will not defecate in their dens. When it comes to house training your puppy, using a crate that will represent a den for your dog will greatly speed up the potty training process.

Owning a dog that not only loves you but respects you is an extremely satisfying relationship for both of you. Once you earn your dog’s respect, training will become a very simple process because he will simply want to please you.

Since dogs and humans communicate differently, patience and kindness are important in the process. A firm but gentle attitude with your dog will help both of you communicate much better.

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